Express & Star

Dogs needed to star in opera at Wolverhampton Grand

Dogs with star quality are wanted to appear on the Wolverhampton Grand stage.

Could your dog appear on stage?

If you're dog is well behaved, small, used to being around people and quiet then award-winning director and producer Ellen Kent wants to hear from you.

Ms Kent is directing opera La Boheme at the Grand Theatre in Wolverhampton on January 26.

She said: "People say never work with children or animals, but I love to do both. The first time was 20 years ago when my pet cat Holly Go-Lightly was in one of my productions and was an instant hit.

"Since then, we’ve had horses, dogs, goldfish and even a golden eagle with a 6ft wingspan on stage. Many years ago, when we last did La Boheme and asked local people to volunteer their pets it was a huge success.

"We even used a rescue dog once and found him dozens of new owners. We’re a nation of animal lovers after all. I’m sure there is plenty of doggie talent out there."

Puccini's opera is based on Henri Murger’s novel Scenes de la vie de Boheme and focuses on the tragic love between seamstress Mimi and penniless poet Rodolfo.

Anyone wishing to audition their dog should send a photograph to Angela Klappa by email to

Please include a contact number and address as well as the breed, height, weight, age and name of the dog.

Tickets for La Boheme on January 26 2020 are on sale now at, by calling 01902 42 92 12 or by visiting the Lichfield Street Box Office in person.