Central Youth Theatre head to Turkey for refugee project
A Wolverhampton youth theatre are flying out to Turkey as part of a project working predominantly with Syrian refugees.

The project, which is supported under the European Erasmus youth exchange programme,hopes to explore the theme of Human Rights.
The group, made up of four senior members and two leaders, are flying out to Antalya this weekend. (
When they arrive they will be joined by other young people from Denmark and Turkey to work with refugees for two weeks.
The cast will be using drama, music and visual arts to create a performance which reflects the experiences of a group of 15 refugees.
Co-Director, Holly Parry, said: “We know this is going to be a very emotional experience for our members to meet the challenge of creatively interpreting the many harrowing stories that we are likely to hear.
"We believe it is vital that more young people from the West understand how easily Human Rights can be taken away from people and how important it is we defend these in the current climate.”
Prior to travelling to Turkey they have already met some young refugees living in Wolverhampton, and the group wants to continue working with them on their return.