Shakespeare brought to life in historic Manor House
The 13th century building of the Manor House in West Bromwich provided the perfect setting for a William Shakespeare show.

Set inside the old walls of the historic building, actors from the Shakespeare Festival Players performed Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing.
About 40 people turned up to watch the performance.
The Manor House has booked the performers for a number of years due to its popularity with guests, said Abbey Butler, visitor services officer.
"There was about about 40 people who turned up and they enjoyed the show," she said. "We have hired them for a number of years and it always has been popular.
"This is a suitable setting, the Manor House was built in the 1240s."
Dame Judi Dench is the group's patron. They describe themselves as delivering 'the best in open-air Shakespeare, committed to presenting the very best in touring theatre'.
Shakespeare's play Much Ado About Nothing is a comedy which was written sometime between 1598 and 1599.
The word 'nothing' in the title refers to gossip, rumour, and overhearing - as it sounds similar to noting.
The Manor House, located on Hall Green Road, holds regular events at its site.
For more information about the attraction, visit