Wolverhampton Grand at 125: Starstruck youngsters strike a pose
Their smiles say it all as they pose outside the Grand Theatre back in 1983 for their first ever photo shoot.

The youngsters had just been chosen from scores of hopefuls to take part in that year's Christmas panto after an extensive audition process.
Starstruck candidates had flocked to the Old Vic Hotel in the city centre in late September in the hope of getting their first big break.
More than 140 youngsters tried out for singing and dancing parts for the upcoming production of Cinderella. The auditions were open to applicants aged between five and 12 – who were warned the theatre were not looking for 'sunbeams'.
Each candidate had to perform a routine including tap, ballet, modern dance and singing. The 24 successful children – pictured celebrating in Lichfield Street – started rehearsing for the pantomime immediately, going on to appear in every performance of the six-week run.
The photo is reproduced here as part of celebrations to mark the Grand's 125th anniversary year. The youngsters appeared alongside the show's star, comedian Les Dawson, who played the Baron, and Michael Barrymore in the role of Buttons.
The auditions were run by dancing teacher Marilyn Harris who told the Express & Star: "It was a very difficult choice – the standard was very high."
* If you have any stories or pictures of visits to the Grand, email 125@grandtheatre.co.uk or in writing to 125 Memories Project, c/o Stage Door, Wolverhampton Grand Theatre, Lichfield Street, Wolverhampton WV1 1DE.