Express & Star

Birmingham Hippodrome kicks off 120 year celebrations at season taster

Birmingham Hippodrome kicked off its 120th birthday celebrations at a season taster event this week.

Birmingham Hippodrome season taster event. Pictures by: Simon Hadley

The event featured a selection of guests from its diverse upcoming season, a sneak preview of some 120 year highlights and a new birthday visual identity.

This year marks 120 years since there has been an entertainment venue on the Hippodrome site, from its origins as a circus, through variety to become one of the UK’s busiest theatres.

The season taster, hosted by radio presenter Ed James and Hippodrome artistic director and chief executive Fiona Allan, saw the exclusive 120 announcement and enlightening Q&As with teams from the productions Beauty and the Beast, Les Misérables, Same Same But Different, Swan Lake and The Color Purple.

Birmingham Hippodrome season taster event. Pictures by: Simon Hadley

Guests were treated to food tasters from the theatre’s Circle Restaurant, before entering the Patrick Studio for a special performance from Birmingham Royal Ballet’s (BRB) Beauty and the Beast with Tyrone Singleton and Delia Matthews.

This was followed by an interview with BRB artistic director David Bintley, who discussed the highlights and achievements of his 24 years in the role.

Other guests included Sam Hiller, Deputy Associate Director of Les Misérables, Hippodrome Associate Artist Sonia Sabri discussing her new work for families Same Same But Different, commissioned by the Hippodrome, and a video message from Matthew Bourne, who has both Swan Lake and Romeo & Juliet in residence at the theatre this year.

Birmingham Hippodrome season taster event. Pictures by: Simon Hadley
Birmingham Hippodrome season taster event. Pictures by: Simon Hadley

There was also an exclusive announcement that Priscilla, Queen of the Desert would be coming to the theatre for the first time in April 2020, co-produced by Jason Donovan and starring Strictly Come Dancing winner Joe McFadden.

The evening concluded with a spotlight on one of the major highlights of the 120 celebrations, the Hippodrome’s first ever co-production on its main stage, The Color Purple.

Speaking about the event, Fiona Allan said: “It was great to inject our regular Season Taster complete with wonderful performance and guests, with a bit of 120 sparkle.

Birmingham Hippodrome season taster event. Pictures by: Simon Hadley
Birmingham Hippodrome season taster event. Pictures by: Simon Hadley

"To mark this special anniversary, we’re planning a whole year of celebration and birthday activities, across the whole range of our programme: festivals, exhibitions, theatre events and even a unique fundraising gala evening incorporating dinner seated on the stage.

"We intend to connect with audiences who have loved and supported the Hippodrome across the years and helped us become the success we are today, as well as have lots of opportunities to throw open our doors to newcomers.

Birmingham Hippodrome season taster event. Pictures by: Simon Hadley

"It’s particularly thrilling to celebrate our 120th year with our first ever professional co-production on our main stage, a brand new production of musical The Color Purple, to be directed by Tinuke Craig.

"And also to announce our first youth community production, West Side Story, which will give dozens of young people from across the region the opportunity to experience performing on the Hippodrome stage, as so many famous performers have over decades of Hippodrome history.”

For more information on Birmingham Hippodrome shows, click here.