Stafford Gatehouse Theatre's 2019 panto to be revealed
Stafford Gatehouse Theatre's panto stars may have just hung up their costumes but preparation for 2019's performance is steaming ahead and the title will be announced at the end of the week.

The news comes after the theatre revealed ticket sales for Dick Whittington were lower than the year before, with 15,600 sold compared to 17,000.
Dick Whittington and his trusty friend Tabby the Cat were on stage dancing, twisting and singing their way to London in search of fame and fortune while attempting to outwit the evil King Rat and catch the eye of beautiful Alice from December 7 until January 6.
The show was the seventh consecutive Rock ‘n’ Roll panto at the Gatehouse Theatre since its return in 2012.
Mark Farley, spokesman for the theatre, said: "It went really well, figures were down a little on last year in terms of attendance.
"We think attendance was down because of the title and because the same show was on in three or four areas locally.
"It was a bit of a drop but nothing major. Overall it was received really really well, we had lots of good feedback."
Ticket sales for this year's panto will now go on sale next week.
Mr Farley added: "This year's panto will be announced at the end of the week, planning starts a year in advance.
"This panto is going to be a different offering than the Gatehouse would normally do, we're excited about that and looking forward to it, we think it will be really interesting for the people of Stafford."
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