Stars flock for Wolverhampton Grand panto launch - with pictures and video
It’s nearly that time of year again! Panto stars have been trying on their costumes for size ahead of Sleeping Beauty being staged at Wolverhampton Grand Theatre.
Debbie McGee will be taking on the role of The Good Fairy with Richard Cadell as the jester alongside famous glove puppet sooty.
The pair are joined by returning panto favourites Doreen Tipton and Ian Adams among others.
WATCH our video here:
Debbie McGee, who is best known as the assistant to late magician Paul Daniels, and who also appreared on BBC's Strictly Come Dancing last year, said: "I am totally excited and I can't wait to get started. I love Wolverhampton, the people are great, and this is going to be a really good pantomime - I'm itching to get going.
"There's everything in this panto, the costumes are beautiful and the sets are magnificent. I'm doing a very special entrance which will be worth coming to see the whole panto for and it's got everything in it, music, lots of laughs and very happy company.
"It suits everyone, from little ones through teenagers, up to grandma - it has a bit for everyone, dancing and more than a little bit of magic - it has things you won't see see in other pantos.
"We have people with talent in this panto and everyone can really do it and that's what is so exciting to me.
"I love it when there local people are involved in the show as they understand the culture - I still have to learn a bit of the accent but I have loads of friends from here so I'm sure I'll pick it up quickly - I'm really looking forward to being here.
Tickets are on sale now at or via 01902 42 92 12.