Express & Star

The Hound of the Baskervilles heading to Stafford

Time is running out to get tickets for the Sherlock Holmes mystery, The Hound of the Baskervilles.

Director Geoff Dobbs with the Gatehouse Banner

Stafford Players will be putting on a performance at Stafford Gatehouse Theatre from May 15 to 19 and the group's last play sold out on four of the five nights.

The play is based on the book by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle about Holmes challenge to solve a mystery about Sir Henry who is heir to the vast Baskerville fortune, a legacy that comes with a family curse of death at the fangs of a horror that prowls the moor. It has been adapted and dramatised by Tim Kelly.

Geoff Dobbs will be the director and the last play he directed was the Society’s version of ‘Allo ‘Allo in 2015.

Tickets are £9 and £8 concessions plus the Gatehouse’s own booking fee.

They are available from or by calling 01785 819080.

For more information visit or follow the society on, Twitter@staffplayers or Instagram staffordplayers17.