Express & Star

Brewood scarecrows help to raise funds and community spirits

The residents of a Staffordshire market town have come together to get creative and support a local school.

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Rebecca and Charlie Talbot show off their men at work scarecrows

Scarecrows representing characters such as Wurzel Gummidge, Minions, NHS nurses and ET have sprung up across Brewood as part of a competition by St Mary and St Chad CE First School.

The competition, which was launched by the Parent Teacher Association at the school to help raise funds, has seen more than 60 scarecrows created by families and friends.

David Pugh with his Worzel Gummidge scarecrow

Rebecca Talbot and her children Alice and Charlie worked to put together a men at work display, inspired by the building work going on at their home.

Rebecca said it was a great idea by the school, which six-year-old Alice attends and nine-year-old Charlie used to attend, and a real boost for the community.

Captain Sir Tom Moore was honoured as one of the scarecrows by Florence Hickman and her family

The 39-year-old said: "I think it's just lovely at this time, when there's so much doom and gloom about, to have something positive to look forward to.

"It was nice to get the kids involved in something that is for a good cause and very much showcases the community spirit that is around at this time.

"People have been walking past and taking a look and we've had a lot of positive feedback about our scarecrow.

Famous people such as Freddie Mercury made an appearance during the scarecrow competition

The competition was promoted through Facebook group Brewood Matters, a group 48-year-old Lesley Willams is part of.

Lesley said the competition had helped raise her six-year-old daughter River-Ace's spirits, with the two having been forced to shield since March due to medical reasons.

She said: "When she found out about the competition, she said she wanted to do one, so I challenged her to think outside the box to create something a bit different.

River-Ace Williams and her ET with Elliot

"She loves the 80s, so she said she wanted to create an ET scarecrow, being carried in a bike by Elliott, which was a bit of a challenge!

"We did it in the end though and it really has raised her spirits to see people walk by and talk to us about the scarecrow."

Hamish and Oona Gowan show off their scarecrow of a veterinary nurse

The winners of the competition and how much was raised is scheduled to be announced on Sunday, November 1 and Monday, November 2.

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