Express & Star

Health staff create gallery of art to express commitment amid Covid-19 crisis

Staff working in a health trust's community learning disabilities teams have been using art to express their commitment to their colleagues and service users during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Artwork from psychologist Jo Thacker

An online gallery has been produced featuring pieces from 12 Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust's (MPFT) clinicians working to support people with learning disabilities in the South Staffordshire community.

Artwork from Rachel Wayper, community learning disability nurse

The works feature a range of styles and are each accompanied by messages of positivity and support from staff in light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Julie Whitehouse, community learning disability nurse, says in a message: “As Stephen Hawkins stated ‘if it feels like you are in a black hole, don’t give up there is always a way out’.

"There will be those that shine a light and those that are constantly there.

Healthcare support worker Linsey Matthews's work

"The rainbow of hope will form through the tears until you believe in yourself again. It can and will happen but may change your thoughts forever.”

Linsey Matthews, healthcare support worker, says: “This time has been really difficult for all of us; I think we all miss seeing each other in the office; however I also think we have all done a great job of looking out for each other.

Artwork from Heather Reale, occupational therapist

"It’s fabulous that as a team we are keeping in touch and ensuring we are all well in and out of work as we all know if we’re not well ourselves it’s hard to make sure others are well.”

The gallery can be found alongside a range of links and resources for people with learning disabilities during Covid-19 on MPFT’s website at

Artwork from Julie Whitehouse, community learning disability nurse

Mel Watson head of operations for MPFT’s Specialist Care Group said: “During these changing and challenging times, our community learning disabilities teams across South Staffordshire have come together to create powerful and emotive pieces of art that demonstrate the importance of being there for each other and for their service users.

“It’s a beautiful expression of positivity from the team and underlines their commitment during the Covid-19 crisis.”