Express & Star

WATCH: Staffordshire artist creates vibrant tribute to NHS on pub wall

A unique and vibrant tribute to the NHS has been made by a Staffordshire artist.

Leigh Townsend spent two days doing the painting in support of the NHS on the side wall of the Dog & Partridge pub in Calf Heath

Leigh Townsend, who specialises in watercolours, spent two days completing the painting on a wall at the Dog and Partridge pub in Calf Heath.

Thirty-year-old Leigh, who has lived in the village for more than six years, said she was approached by the pub landlord Paula Lomas to do whatever painting she wanted.

She said: "Paula wanted to put something on the side of the pub, so gave me a call and asked if I would do something.

"She didn't tell me exactly what she wanted to do, but she had been inspired by artists doing tributes to the NHS and wanted to pay her own tribute.

"I took bits and pieces from different artists that I've seen and put them together in my own way as I was literally given a blank canvas to work with."

Both Leigh and Paula have friends and family who work in the NHS, so the tribute was a personal one for both and, Leigh said she hoped it could inspire people.

She said: "I'd like to think that anyone can be creative and show their support for causes like the NHS.

"People were driving by and saying how great it looked when I was painting it, so I hope more people can do something like this."

The painting depicts an image of a nurse holding the world in hands, surrounded by a rainbow.

Paula Lomas spoke about her reaction when she first saw what Leigh had created.

Leigh Townsend looks over the painting with landlord Glen Lomas

She said: "I'll be honest, I cried when I first saw it as I just thought it was absolutely amazing and such a good tribute to the NHS.

"They've got the whole world in their hands and she has depicted that perfectly.

"The village all love it and it's had so many passers-by stop to take photos, as well as people messaging us to tell us how great it is.

"I hope we never have to go through something like this again, but something like this will help people think and stay home for as long as they need to."

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