Pub tackles pink elephant in room
An event was held in a pub in Hednesford to get people talking about the 'pink elephant in the room'.

Time to Change Cannock Chase Mental Health Hub organised a quiz in Wetherspoons in the town on Thursday, and people were on hand to discuss mental health and point people in the right direction if they needed help.
Lynn Evans, hub coordinator, who was dressed as a pink elephant, said they had a lot of visitors.
She said: "The event is Time To Change, Time To Talk, which is a national campaign around the stigma of mental health.
"The campaign is devoted to raising awareness for mental health and talking about mental health.
"We do lots of activities throughout the year but this is a really key date for us.
"It's men that in general statistically find it hard to talk and we get a lot of men in Wetherspoons so we've put pub quizzes on all of the tables.
"Wetherspoons are providing a meal for two as a prize and we have a couple of other prizes.
"There's also a board for people to express how they feel.
"We had quite few children come from local schools who were joining in with the quiz.
"We do a different event every year."