Express & Star

Cannock's Stephen Worrallo talks renovating sheds into pubs, tea rooms and more - in photos

Everyone needs a hobby in retirement, and one restless Cannock man has spent the last 12 years transforming sheds into pubs, tea cup rooms and more.

Stephen Worrallo in his tea room

Stephen Worrallo, aged 67, started to transform his shed in Mosswood Street into a pub after a 'mad moment' in 2006 and now has four different types of sheds- and only one stores tools.

He added to his collection by recently completing a tea cup room, a world cup room along with a pagoda and claims it has cost him £1,000 to build them all.

The tea cup room has 150 mugs, varying from mugs for popular chocolate logos to Christmas mugs and polka dots, hanging from the walls and ceiling from charity shops and car boot sales.

The world cup room has a television, trophy, tables and chairs ahead of the big competition in a couple of weeks time.

He said: "I worked through the winter to complete them and I could not feel my hands sometimes but I got it done.

"I retired and just wanted something to do.

"It all started because I just thought I wanted to build a bar on the side of my shed and it has developed from then. I had an empty shed and I thought I would like to do something with it and it went from there.

"I just have a mad moment and do it so I am not sure if I will do anymore or what I will do.

"I go out there in the garden to the pagoda every day with my dog and a can this time of year.

"It is a matter of doing it and getting up off your backside to get stuck into it.

"I have not had a party but I have had a few people and their reaction is priceless. I ask them what they think and they say 'bloody hell'."

The full bar previously included eight pumps, optics, stools, records glued to the ceiling and even a decorative disco mirror ball.