Normans take over Stafford Castle
More than a 1000 visitors turned out in the West Midlands for an annual reenactment event.

Stafford Castle played home to the Historia Normannis group on Sunday who entertained visitors with the recreation of early Medieval period scenes.
The free event saw the 12th century reenactment group engaging in sword play, music, dancing and games.
Heritage sites manager Mark Hartwell said: "We carry out a reenactment event every year at Stafford Castle, this year we chose Norman period.
"It's the second time they have appeared at Stafford Castle and they covered the early Norman period.
"They're a brilliant group and they covered a whole programme of events.
"We think it's been a very successful day, we were extremely lucky with the weather.
"We have had many positive comments from people some of who have never been before some of who have.
"It's nice to know that it was well received, it was good to have some really nice weather for the day.
"We have been doing it on and off many, many years, probably going back 20 years, it's a long standing tradition.
"We're already talking about our 2018 events programme now and it will be out early into the 2018 season."
Those visiting got to enjoy a hands on history talk and a guided tour of one of the largest surviving Norman fortifications in England.
It is one of up to 40 events held at the site throughout the year, which has over 900 years of history.