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Kadeena Cox and Naughty Boy argue in I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!

Tensions were beginning to rise in Gwrych Castle after DJ Naughty Boy called gold-medallist Kadeena Cox ‘rude’.

I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!

Paralympian Kadeena Cox and music producer Naughty Boy have clashed over rice on I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here!

Tensions were beginning to rise in the camp after the gold medallist was called “rude” by Naughty Boy following an argument about cooking on Saturday’s episode.

After a conversation about boiling rice went in circles, Cox said: “I’m literally repeating myself a million times and I’m tired and it’s a bit annoying.”

I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!
Kadeena Cox (ITV)

Calling her rude, Naughty Boy said: “You don’t need to get a**y with me, you really are. I’m speaking to you respectfully. I’m not getting respect back, there’s no need for that.”

In the heated exchange, Cox shouted: “I feel like you don’t understand me or you don’t listen to what I’m saying.

“I am shattered…I am aggy now because you’re telling me that I’m rude.

“If you’re going to call me rude then just allow it, I’m not even interested because I’ve tried to be nothing but nice to you.”

In a quip, co-host Ant McPartlin joked: “Kadeena and Naughty Boy can’t be nice about rice.”

In the show, the celebrities paired together to take on a new challenge, The Lair, in Gwrych Castle, north Wales.

Dame Arlene Phillips and diver Matty Lee; gold medallist Cox and broadcaster Louise Minchin; and Emmerdale star Danny Miller and ex-footballer David Ginola were shackled together in a cage before critters were showered on them.

Team Miller and Ginola were quickest out which meant they got first pick at the wishing well, but after flipping the coin it landed on sleeping on the floor.

Dame Arlene and Lee placed second and opted to leave the coin which could earn a phone call home for Minchin and Cox, winning dinner in the Clink instead.
Cox and Minchin were the last to ring the victory bell.

Cox added: “I pretty much forgot it was a race once the bugs started falling. That was the most hideous experience of my life.”

Minchin was delighted when Cox graciously let her have a phone call home because “you’ve got your husband and kids”.
Minchin said: “I love you Kadeena. I’m speechless with what Kadeena has done. That’s the biggest gift she could give me at this point. I’m so thankful.”
Cox added: “Without you, I wouldn’t be as strong as I am.” 
In the call home, Minchin’s husband said: “You’re doing brilliantly darling, we’re totally proud of what you’re doing. Your beautiful, kind, warm self comes across on the telly. Your lovely kind, caring nature… Oh, I’m going to cry.”
Her daughters could also be heard telling her how well she was doing before joking: “Keep brushing your hair. Well done.” 
After the call, Dame Arlene took herself off to cry, adding: “That need and want to speak to my family, to be in contact is really hitting me very hard and I realise how long I’ve been away and I’m finding it hard.”
Also in the episode, Adam Woodyatt, Naughty Boy and Ginola took on the trial Cells Of Hell, only winning four out of 11 stars after the music producer struggled to open his padlocks in the challenge.

Naughty Boy said: “This is definitely not my favourite trial…I’m disappointed.”

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! continues on ITV and ITV Hub.

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