Channel 4 programmes feature Stay At Home graphic during coronavirus crisis
It will remain on screen until further notice.
Channel 4 programmes will feature an on-screen graphic urging people to stay at home during the coronavirus crisis.
The digital graphic, reading Stay at Home, will be on screen during all Channel 4 programmes to help deliver the public health message during the pandemic.
The message launched on Channel 4 at 1pm on Tuesday.
It will run until further notice across Channel 4, E4, More4 and 4Seven channels.
It is placed in the top left-hand side of the screen, next to the channel’s logo.
Alex Mahon, chief executive at Channel 4, said: “During this unprecedented national crisis, we want to use our reach with mass audiences, particularly with young and hard-to-reach viewers, to spread this vital public health message and remind everyone to follow the latest advice and stay at home.”