Express & Star

Taylor Swift learns how to check out women in behind-the-scenes clip for The Man

The singer wears heavy prosthetics to look like a man in the video.

Taylor Swift in the video for The Man

Taylor Swift is taught how to check out a woman, puff on a cigar, and adjust her boxer shorts in a behind-the-scenes look at the making of her music video for The Man.

The video to accompany the single about gender inequality sees Swift in heavy prosthetics as she turns into a bearded man.

The 30-year-old is unrecognisable with short hair as she points out imbalance in the workplace, in parenting and in her own career.

She says: “Putting on the look for The Man took five hours every morning and it’s been a joy because Bill Corso has been doing it, and he turned me into a zombie for the Look What You Made Me Do video.

“I have muscles suits on, I don’t even want to talk to you about what else, I don’t want to tell you about it – this is a family show.”

She adds: “I was so stoked to have a movement coach help me with things; like, I had never thought about how men walk – it’s never something that had interested me before – but they walk differently than we do.”

The clip shows her asking: “How do you check somebody? Do you check their boobs and then their butt?

“Butt and then boobs and then back to butt?”

When she is taught how to smoke a cigar, she says: “These are rubber lips! I don’t know what my face is doing.”

It also shows her being taught how to pull her underwear out of her crotch, as she says: “I’ve never adjusted my underpants like that!”

The video ends with the disclaimer: “No men were harmed in the making of this video.”

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