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Emma Thompson condemns male ‘entitlement’ and shuns John Lasseter

The actress has declined to work with the animator.

Emma Thompson

Dame Emma Thompson has refused to work with filmmaker John Lasseter over allegations of sexual misconduct.

She has attacked “centuries of entitlement” over women’s bodies by men in power, and said she can only do what “feels right”.

The actress and writer said she needed to take action to force the change she wants to see for the sake of her daughter’s generation.

Lasseter’s association with animation company Pixar and its parent company Disney came to an end after allegations of his “missteps” in behaviour towards staff.

He was hired by the animation wing of production company Skydance, which had sought the services of Thompson on upcoming film Luck.

The Oscar-winning actress withdrew from the film following the hiring of Lasseter, and her forceful letter to Skydance has now been made public in the Los Angeles Times.

Dame Emma concluded that she had to take direct action, saying in her letter: “I am well aware that centuries of entitlement to women’s bodies whether they like it or not is not going to change overnight. Or in a year.

“But I am also aware that if people who have spoken out – like me – do not take this sort of a stand then things are very unlikely to change at anything like the pace required to protect my daughter’s generation.”

BAFTA Film Awards 2017 – Arrivals – London
John Lasseter (Dominic Lipinski/PA)

Dame Emma wrote: “It feels very odd to me that you and your company would consider hiring someone with Mr. Lasseter’s pattern of misconduct given the present climate in which people with the kind of power that you have can reasonably be expected to step up to the plate.”

She then asked a string of questions, including how the company’s current staff can be expected to give Lasseter a second chance.

Dame Emma added: “Much has been said about giving John Lasseter a ‘second chance’. But he is presumably being paid millions of dollars to receive that second chance.”

She ended the letter: “I hope these queries make the level of my discomfort understandable.

“I can only do what feels right during these difficult times of transition and collective consciousness-raising.”

Lasseter was given a six-month leave of absence from Pixar in 2017 following his acknowledgement of allegations about his behaviour.

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