Express & Star

Piers Morgan blames ‘exploding innards’ on vegan sausage roll

The presenter has been diagnosed with gastritis and duodenitis after being admitted to hospital.

Piers Morgan

Piers Morgan has jokingly blamed a bout of illness on eating a vegan sausage roll.

The Good Morning Britain presenter was admitted to hospital on Friday and later diagnosed with gastritis and duodenitis, inflammation of the stomach lining and the small intestine.

Morgan, 53, posted an image to Instagram showing him lying in a hospital bed with tubes in his nose.

Writing on Twitter on Saturday, he confirmed he was suffering from both conditions, blaming them on having taken part in a taste test of plant-based food.

He also suggested Brexit and US President Donald Trump could be behind his illness.

He said: “If you really want to know, I was diagnosed with stomach gastritis and duodenitis. I blame eating a mouthful of vegan sausage roll, Brexit & Donald Trump.”

In a later reply to another social media user, Morgan suggested it was no coincidence his “exploding innards” episode came after he ate “one mouthful of vegan sausage roll”.

He wrote: “Monday, 6.40am: I eat one mouthful of vegan sausage roll. Friday, 11am: hospitalised for gastroscopy on inflamed, exploding innards. I’m doing the maths.”

It comes after a number of his followers also joked he might be unwell due to the vegan sausage roll he ate on GMB earlier this week.

Morgan has expressed his opposition to the new product, recently launched by Greggs, and spat it out when he tasted it on the programme.

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