Express & Star

Elizabeth Hurley’s nephew reveals he was millimetres from death after stabbing

Miles Hurley lost six pints of blood in the attack.

Elizabeth Hurley’s nephew was stabbed in March (Ian West/PA)

The nephew of Elizabeth Hurley has said he felt like he had a “guardian angel” that kept him alive after he was stabbed following a car crash.

Miles Hurley, 21, was left with a large stab wound on his lower back after he was attacked in London while driving home from an art exhibition with a friend.

He told the Mail On Sunday: “I had a guardian angel that night. I lost six pints of blood. The doctors thought I’d perforated my liver and clipped one of my major arteries.

“But everything they feared could have happened, didn’t. They said I was stabbed twice, in the same place. That the knife didn’t hit my spinal cord or arteries all came down to angles and millimetres.”

Hurley told the newspaper he was behind the wheel of his mother’s Fiat 500 when he indicated to merge into another lane and a black car sped up behind him and caused a minor collision.

The model said he tried to exchange details when the person in the passenger seat of the other car threw a punch at his head through the open window.

He said: “They got out and the driver, the aggressor, circled us. I tried to talk my way out of it and said something like, “So are we going to exchange insurance details?”. He said: “Nah, actually. You can give me your car keys and get in the f****** boot.”

Hurley said the assailant tried to grab his car keys and pushed him up against the vehicle with his back to the men when he felt an “aggressive shove” and heard the men saying “poke him, poke him”.

He said: “I didn’t feel anything, there was no pain. I had no idea I’d been stabbed.”

He and friend Romell, who had also been stabbed, ran and hid under a parked van until a passer-by gave him a jumper to put pressure on the wound.

He said: “I wasn’t thinking how I was going to die. I knew people didn’t die instantly from stab wounds because the adrenaline keeps you alive. So I just kept wiggling my toes, kept calm and tried to keep my heart rate low.”

In hospital he called his aunt, who told his mother and flew from New York to be with him.

He said: “Liz has cancelled loads of things to be with us and has seemed the most free she’s been in years.

Scotland Yard previously released a CCTV clip of the black hatchback, which had blacked-out windows, that they are trying to trace.

Detectives are appealing for anyone who saw either the beige Fiat 500 or black hatchback on Wandsworth Road and in the Patmore Estate at about 8.45pm on March 8 to contact them.

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