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Star Wars Han Solo spin-off title released

It went down well with fans on social media.

Harrison Ford as Han Solo in The Force Awakens (LucasFilm)

Star Wars’ Han Solo spin-off will be titled Solo: A Star Wars Story, director Ron Howard has announced.

The filmmaker unveiled the eagerly-awaited movie’s name in a video message on Twitter as he confirmed production on the film had wrapped.

He thanked an “incredibly talented” cast and crew for their hard work on the film which stars Alden Ehrenreich as Solo alongside Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton and Phoebe Waller-Bridge.

It is scheduled for release on May 25 2018 and has endured a tumultuous production schedule after directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller were replaced by Howard in June this year over reported creative differences with Lucasfilm.

The film’s title went down well with fans on social media.

Jeff Yorkes (@JeffYorkes) wrote on Twitter: “Congratulations to you and the whole team! You stepped into a challenging situation with grace, humor and the force.”

Andy Love (@AndyLov123) tweeted: “We grew up with you. We trust you. We love you. We know you are putting your all into making a awesome Star Wars Han Solo film. We thank you.”

Thomas Storai (@ThomasStorai) posted: “I like this title!!! Really looking forward to see the movie next year! Hoping to see a trailer soon!”

Scott Williams (@MuseumGuyScott) tweeted: “Love #RonHoward’s updates to the fans! A great director! Love the #StarWars #Solo movie title too!”

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