Express & Star

Bob Dylan receives Nobel Prize at small gathering in Stockholm

The singer was awarded the prestigious accolade at a small and intimate presentation


Bob Dylan has finally received his Nobel Prize in Literature, almost six months after he became the first musician to win the award.

The US singer-songwriter collected the prize’s diploma and medal on Saturday ahead of a concert in Stockholm, a member of the Swedish Academy confirmed.

Klas Ostergren told the Associated Press “it went very well indeed”, adding Bob was “a very nice, kind man”.

Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan has collected his prize (Gareth Fuller/PA)

He said the 75-year-old received the award during a small gathering on Saturday afternoon at a hotel, with just academy members and Bob’s staff present.

Bob himself did not mention anything about receiving the Nobel at his concert after months of discussion on whether he would collect the prize in person.

The Like A Rolling Stone singer took more than two weeks to respond to the announcement that he had been awarded the prize in October, finally saying he had been left “speechless” by the win.

Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan (Gareth Fuller/PA Wire)

He was named the winner of the prestigious accolade for “having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition”.

Bob declined the invitation to attend the traditional Nobel Prize banquet and ceremony in December, citing other commitments.

He will perform a second gig in Stockholm on Sunday night.