Super-fans of The Script plan tribute ahead of band's performance at The Halls
Devoted fans of The Script will pay tribute during the band's upcoming performance at The Halls in Wolverhampton after the death of lead guitarist Mark Sheehan.

The group tragically lost their 46-year-old co-founder in April following a brief illness.
Now, the band's supporters will come together to honour the musician during their gig in Wolverhampton on Monday evening.
Fans will wave green glow sticks – a colour that is synonymous with the band due to its Irish origins – as a sign of remembrance.
The plan has been put into motion by Script super-fans Susan Townshend, Chrissy Mcgrory, Jenn Gibbs, Chelsea McDade and Niah McDade.
Susan said that she has also approached staff at the The Halls in hopes of setting up a wall of condolences on the night of the concert, where fans can write messages dedicated to the guitarist.
She said: "It's a difficult one to put into words, even though none of us knew him, we feel like we know him. They've always been so good to their fans, Mark was always sending messages to people on Instagram.
"To say we are all devastated is an understatement. He hadn't done any gigs really for a good two and a half years so we knew something wasn't right.
"I thought of the wall of condolence and it has gone down really well. We put a post on Facebook on Saturday and we have had people who aren't even attending sending in messages so it's going to be from all over the world – it is from the heart, it is going to be from the whole Script family."
Susan, 52, is making the four-hour journey from her home in Hastings to watch the band play at Wolverhampton's newly-refurbished music venue.
She said: "I know they played The Halls before a long time ago but I never actually went to that one. It's always nice when they do a smaller venue because it's a more intimate feel.
"I am looking forward to it because it's just re-opened, it looks amazing. It's going to be emotional obviously but we are all looking forward to it."