Wolverhampton record shop still going after other city store's closure causes confusion
A record shop owner in Wolverhampton has moved to remind people she is still open following the closure of different store in the city.

Claire Howell has sold records for more than 30 years and first had a record shop at the age of 23.
She then went on to exhibit at record fairs across the UK and Europe and even in the USA, eventually opening up Vinyl and Vintage in Wolverhampton.
Following the closure of Oldies Unlimited, some regulars have contacted Claire under the impression her shop had closed its doors.
Oldies' shutters closed for the final time on December 5 after the shop had been trading in Wolverhampton since the 1960s.
Claire said: "We are very much still open and we will continue to open while we are allowed to do so.
"It is so sad when any shop closes, as we are losing our high street.
"We are hopeful things will get better and we are planning some cross promotions with other nearby businesses."
For two years Claire sold records in the city's market before opening her store Cleveland Street.
The shop has recently expanded and information on opening times can be found at vinylandvintage.net