Musicians hope to strike a chord
The re-opening of a live music venue has had to be postponed and Midland musicians have started a campaign to help support vital behind-the-scenes workers such as lighting and sound engineers.

A date for the reopening of Katie Fitzgeralds at Stourbridge has still to be fixed.
But meanwhile Eddy Morton, a former member of 90s folk rock band The Bushbury’s and director of Stourbridge Community Development Trust CIC is helping start a campaign to help those who work in the background at music venues, festivals and concerts.
He said: “Despite the latest setback to our re-opening people who work in these support industries have been decimated by the current situation and will have seen all hope of a quick return to touring and events disappear for the immediate future in this third lockdown.
“Many of these people are hard working independent people with families who with great skills and and constant hard work have built careers that are now under threat.
“Many of them will have seen very little support from government if any.
“We are world leaders in this field here in the UK and we need to support those grassroots workers if we are to see the successful return of the amazing range of festivals and events that provide such a valuable social and cultural contribution to the life of our country and to the whole world.”
The Trust CIC has now started a GoFundMe appeal.
Eddy said:”This fundraiser will through mutual support and with a range of actions look to provide financial help to local crew living in Stourbridge and eventually if possible further afield.
“I am pleased to announce that we can start the ball rolling with £250 from the Stourbridge Foundation 4 music.”