Express & Star

Music video raises money for hospital charities

A music video aimed at keeping a band in tune during the pandemic has raised more than £1,700 for two hospital charities.

A music video aimed at keeping a Wyre Forest band in tune during thepandemic has raised more than £1,700 for two hospital charities.Wyre Forest Big Band’s busy programme of gigs came to a shuddering haltwhen Covid 19 struck, so members produced a unique recording of ‘Love isHere to Stay’ to keep them occupied.Band leader Derek McCluskey, who founded the group three years ago,explained: “In order to give the band something to focus on during thesummer, I had the idea of putting together a virtual video with all 20 membersrecording themselves playing the tune at home.“Our bass guitarist Chris Cobon then brought all the 20 parts together toproduce a virtual performance by the whole band.”The result was so impressive that Mr McCluskey decided to put it to good useby making it a JustGiving fundraiser for the League of Friends groups atKidderminster and Worcester hospitals.Donations from well-wishers visiting the page to view the video meant theraised £1,200 to the Friends of Worcester Hospital as it has a Covid ward and£515 for Kidderminster League of Friends

Wyre Forest Big Band produced a unique recording of ‘Love is Here to Stay’ to keep them occupied.

Band leader Derek McCluskey, who founded the group three years ago, said: “In order to give the band something to focus on during the summer, I had the idea of putting together a virtual video with all 20 members recording themselves playing the tune at home.”

It raised £1,200 for Friends of Worcester Hospital as it has a Covid ward and £515 for Kidderminster League of Friends.