Express & Star

Well-loved teaching assistant gets musical send off

A well-loved teaching assistant has retired after working at a primary school for 25 years.

Marion Birbeck gets a musical send off for her retirement from Goldsmith Primary Academy in Walsall with the The New Age Beatles

Marion Birbeck, marked her time at Goldsmith Primary Academy in Walsall with members of staff who held an emotional farewell event for her.

During her time at the school, Marion has taught pupils from nursery up to year 6 and even taught some of the parents of children who currently attend.

On the final day of term, staff marked her time in a special assembly where they gave a presentation thanking her for her service to the school and spoke with former members of staff through a video call.

Large books of poems which had been written by staff and pupils were also presented to her.

Beverley Walker-Gordon, deputy head teacher, said: "We had so many messages wishing her well on her last day.

Marion Birbeck celebrating with Adam Hollyhead and The New Age Beatles

"A particularly beautiful one was from a boy with learning difficulties who Marion taught to communicate.

"She is so loved by the staff, children and school community."

As Marion is a big fan of The Beatles, Beverley organised a surprise performance from The New Age Beatles from Beatdown Music Academy in Wednesbury, who performed free off charge to make her final day special.

Beverley added: "She loved it and was up dancing and had a great time.

"She will leave a massive hole in the school, she is the life and soul of it and also our agony aunt.

Marion Birbeck is retiring after 25 years

"Marion didn't want to retire as she wanted to see some of her pupils through their last year at school, but is doing it to look after her husband who is ill, this just shows how selfless she is, she always puts everyone else first.

"It was very emotional and I don't know what we will do without her.

"We all wish her the absolute best, she has made such a difference to the school community."