Concert music to parents’ ears
From a performance of the Haka to a live choir and guitar band - school pupils put on a show for parents at an annual music concert.

Children at Ryders Green Primary School, on Claypit Lane in West Bromwich, took to the stage on Thursday evening to perform a range of instruments.
A guitar club from children in years five and six and trumpets from year three were joined by clarinet performances, a wind band and a choir.
As part of a school arts week, every year group had to put together a performance that was recorded on video and played to the audience.

This saw year two students performing the Haka and reception children dancing.
Headteacher Lucy Blackmore said: "It's the third or fourth year we've done it now and it gets bigger and better every year.
"This year focused on music and art from around the world and different cultures.

"The parents help the children practice through the year, there's a lot of hard work needed for them to improve and get ready for the performance, and the parents are wonderful and very supportive.
"It's wonderful to see all the children's hard work, it's a collective effort from the whole school, with children, staff and parents, that's what's nice about it.
"Our motto is about making the most of every child ans this gives them the opportunity to play in front of an audience and hopefully inspire them to take up music in the future.

"We want every child, who wants to play an instrument, to have the opportunity to share that with their parents in a big concert once a year.
"We make sure the children don't pay for any music lessons as we don't want children to miss out who can't afford it."