First birthday for Wolverhampton record store
Stay Loose Records is celebrating its first anniversary with a special event featuring live music and special releases.

The record store, on Farmers Fold, Wolverhampton, will also be offering a 20 per cent discount on new and vinyl records at the event, which takes place on Saturday, April 13, from 12pm-5.30pm.
The store is the vision of Ian Davies, 41, from Wolverhampton, who had been a DJ for 20 years prior to setting up the business.
Mr Davies said: “I’ve always wanted to own a record shop, but other things have taken over.
“When I got to 40 I decided to go gung-ho; I gave up my job and committed my life to this store.
“I’ve had some ups and downs, but overall it’s been successful. I wouldn’t change the decision I’ve made for anything. This is what I’m passionate about and it’s going well.”
Three local artists, Jeff Silk, Get By Stampede and Ryan Evans, will perform at the event and several DJs will be coming in to play sets throughout the day.
Mr Davies added: “It should be a really good day. We’ve got lots of acts, DJs and great records on sale, so it will be a lively music atmosphere.
“The event doesn’t start till midday, but the shop is open at 9am if anyone is busy in the afternoon.”