People are telling stories of the kindest things strangers have done for them
Social media users are telling stories ranging from life-saving acts to a few kind words.

Twitter users are discussing acts of kindness they have experienced from total strangers.
Writer Nicole Cliffe started the discussion by posing the question: “What is the kindest thing a stranger has done or said to you?”
She gave the example of a flight attendant who helped her out when one of her children was ill on a plane.
One Twitter user recalled being taken back to safety when they were drifting off into the ocean on a raft.
Journalist Eric Umansky recalled a well-timed act of kindness from a restaurant owner.
There were numerous tales of good Samaritans who helped out when people were having car problems.
Sometimes kind words or a shoulder to cry on were all that were needed.
This act of kindness took place in a mosh pit.
But the story that most struck a chord with Twitter users came from a former manager of an LGBT book shop, who once received a call from from someone who thought they might be gay and was considering hurting himself.