Express & Star

10 incredibly awkward situations people found themselves in with strangers

Seeing out 2018 with a healthy dose of cringe.

A man asleep on a stranger

Is there anything worse than making a fool of yourself in front of a total stranger?

Reddit user hangry_potato asked “What’s the most awkward situation you’ve ever been in with a stranger?” – and these are some of the best responses.

1. Heights and lows

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2. Flower flounder

From Reddit user iamsoveryverytired: “I was with my mum buying flowers at a florist for a new year’s eve party. The florist was obviously a very lonely woman and wouldn’t stop going on about how she isn’t doing anything for New Year’s and how it’s so nice we have friends to visit, to the point where it became really saddening. My mother obviously really felt for her. Every now and again, maybe twice a year, she has a brain fart and accidentally says what she is thinking. That day was one of those rare days. After paying for the flowers, my mum said ‘thanks! Hope you find a friend soon!’. I look at her in shock, the woman looks at her in shock, and my mum just gasps, apologises and literally backs out of the store. God it was so awkward.”

3. Oops

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4. You’re not my friend

From Reddit user firstblindmouse: “When I was a teenager my friends and I would spend the weekends staying up late playing video games and eating junk food. I was also a cross country runner, and on this particular night I was experiencing some extreme chafing from a long run earlier that day. While we were at the gas station getting Doritos and energy drinks I announced to who I thought was my friend, ‘Man, my nipples really hurt.’ Upon realizing it was a complete stranger with whom I had just shared this intimate detail I simply stared at him and said “You’re not my friend” and walked away. I didn’t go back to that gas station for a long time.”

5. It’s a scream

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6. Getting the clap

From Reddit user Kaneland96: “It was my first time voting in a presidential election in 2016 since becoming old enough to do so, and polling place was at a library. When I get to the front of the line and start filling out the required papers, I mention it’s my first time and what to do next. After hearing this, the women who was working there and helping me raised her voice and said ‘Hey everyone, we’ve got a first time voter here!’ and started clapping so they all would clap as well. Nobody clapped, and I was just standing there really embarrassed before quietly saying ‘can I just go vote now?'”

7. Car cringe

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8. Nice boots

From Reddit user paypermon: “Got on an elevator with a woman and she had on these really nice boots so I complimented them by saying “nice boots” she cups her breasts and says “well you’re not shy,thank you they’re real” and then immediately realized I said booTs ,she thought I said “nice boobs” longest elevator ride ever. To this day whenever I say boots in any context I do so with a very hard deliberate T”

9. Large Woody

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10. Not my kid

From Reddit user immathrowaway456: “In the cinema. I interlocked my fingers with the kid sitting beside me for a full minute.

“Turns out, he wasn’t my kid.”