These people change the skeletons in their Halloween display every day
Now that’s dedication to the cause.

They may not be the spookiest skeletons you’ve ever seen, but they’re certainly some of the most entertaining.
That’s because the people who put together this unique Halloween display change up what their skeletons are doing every single day.
Sami Campagnano spotted the display in her neighbours’ garden in Wesley Chapel, Florida, and started taking pictures of them.
Among the scenes depicted are break dancing, a pizza party and an arrest by the fashion police.

Sami, 19, told the Press Association: “My favourite one has had to be the pizza party one just because I love pizza, and all the skeletons were lined up with plates ready to eat.”
Also depicted among the creepy dioramas are a skeletal camping trip, some sunbathing skeletons and an exercise session.

Another shows two grown-up skeletons teaching a younger skeleton how to ride a bike.
So far Sami has posted more than 20 images of the various scenes, and they’ve received a hugely positive reception.
“Everyone absolutely loves the skeletons,” she said. “If you read the comments on Twitter it’s all love and if you watch people drive by the house they slow down to look.”
Twitter users have been loving the updates.
Just one thing though – what if the neighbours aren’t moving them at all…?