Why everyone on your Twitter feed is saying ‘let’s get this bread’
Have you got yours?

If you’re confused by a proliferation of people in your life encouraging you to procure baked goods, you’re not alone.
The phrase “let’s get this bread” has been growing in prominence on Twitter for the last week or so, and it’s left some people baffled.
The term itself is nothing new – it’s just a sort of encouragement to work hard and get the rewards that the work brings.
But over the last couple of weeks it has spiralled into a fully fledged meme.
Luckily for the meme-makers of the internet it’s a highly versatile phrase. For example, it can be used in restaurants.
It can be used by doctors.
It can be used by birds.
If you go to church – or chain restaurants – there’s a version for you.
One for the Les Miserables fans out there.
Of course not everybody is on board with all this bread-getting.
So here are some alternatives for the bread sceptics.
And if getting the bread really isn’t your thing, don’t worry. You can always just stay in bed.
Let’s get this bed.