Express & Star

People do some seriously strange things when their brains are on autopilot

Ever driven all the way home only to realise you moved out of that house years ago? This one’s for you…

Some weird brain stuff going on

The human brain is a wonderful machine – but sometimes it can make you do some pretty odd things if you’re not really paying attention.

Reddit user natalooski posed the question “What’s the strangest thing your brain made you do on ‘autopilot’?” – and here are some of the best responses.

1. Never go back

2. Enjoy the show

From reddit user aashley1504: “I also used to work at a movie theatre. I once went into the gas station across the street on my lunch break, grabbed some items, and checked out. As I was leaving the store, I said ‘Thanks! Enjoy the show!’ I then had to explain that I work at the movie theatre, and I was not inviting him to watch my ass as I leave.”

Watch This Behind The Scenes GIF by RJFilmSchool - Find & Share on GIPHY

3. Power nap

4. Our friendly staff are here to help

From Reddit user GiveMeSteeringWheel: “I had to go to Walmart once after finishing my midnight cashier shift from a competing grocery retailer across the street. I absentmindedly grabbed my stuff, approached the cashier and asked her if she found everything OK. We stared at each other blankly for a little bit.”

Come Again Over It GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

5. Wrong key

6. Italian

From Reddit user NuclearExchange: “In high school, I tried reading Dante. The book had one page in Italian and the next in English. It was late, and I got halfway through a page of Italian before I realised it. I don’t understand Italian.”

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7. Show some love

8. Quitter

From Reddit user Euphtech: “I stopped at a gas station, went inside and bought a pack of cigarettes. I went to my car, opened them. Wadded up the foil pieces, removed a cigarette and lit it. It tasted like I just licked a dirty ashtray. That’s when I remembered that I had quit 6 months earlier. I went back inside and left the pack on the counter, told the guy working that I forgot I quit.”

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9. Where are my glasses

10. An egg-stravagent waste

From Reddit user costadelsos: “Cracking an egg into the trash. Grabbing another one, doing the same thing again. Happened to me three times before I snapped out of it.”

Egg GIF by Jonah Ainslie - Find & Share on GIPHY

11. Okay Google…