Express & Star

Neil deGrasse Tyson spent his 60th birthday explaining getting old in 22 tweets

The American astronomer and science communicator took it upon himself to tweet the #IKnewIWasOld hashtag 22 times.

A 60th birthday cake

Hashtags usually take the backing of a few big names to gain popularity, so it was good news for #IKnewIWasOld when someone with almost 13 million followers began relentlessly tweeting it.

That someone was Neil deGrasse Tyson, American astronomer and science communicator, who used his 60th birthday to really get behind the sentiment of the hashtag with no fewer than 22 tweets on the subject.

From birthdays to bedtime, the 60-year-old covered it all.

Early bedtimes? Great news.

Candles can be a reliable indicator in more ways than one.

Social issues can also be a great barometer.

When kids become adults, it’s hard to ignore the ageing process.

And once again, back to naps.

The irony being of course that Tyson demonstrated an ability to understand social media unlike most 60-year-old people during his tweet storm.