9 of the strangest things people have done whilst half asleep
From making a sandwich then putting it in the bin, to urinating in an oven.

That state of consciousness just after you wake up, or at the end of an extremely exhausting day, can cause people to do some rather odd things.
It’s this groggy feeling that is the topic of conversation on Reddit, where user scudzter89 asked their fellows to share the “dumbest thing” they’ve done whilst half asleep – and here are nine of the best answers.
2. From user FalstaffsMind
“I once woke up, looked at the clock and thought S***, I AM LATE FOR WORK! THE ALARM DIDN’T GO OFF!.
“I jumped into the shower and was showering as fast as I could when I glanced out the window, and it was dark out.
“It took me a while to process. I had fallen asleep in my bed after work, and it was now 7PM, and not 7AM the next day.”
4. From user PhreedomPhighter
“I needed to brush my teeth and shave. So I did the logical thing and started smearing toothpaste on my face.”
6. From user DreMin015
“As a kid, I apparently woke up, went into my kitchen at around 1 AM, and (urinated) into our oven.”
8. From user Meandering_Stranger
“Shaved off my eyebrows.
“About 4 years ago at this point, I woke up as normal,showered,and started to shave. About halfway through, I stop and think to myself ‘Somethings wrong here. The f*** did I do?’
“At this point, I noticed that my left eyebrow, and half of my right one, are gone.”