11 things that make less and less sense the more you think about them
What does water taste like? How do you move your muscles? Can you explain how computers work?

Many things in life seem perfectly normal until you really stop and think about them – at which point they start to reveal themselves as the head-scratchers they are.
Reddit user u/strawbrygirl asked fellow users of the site: “What makes less and less sense the more you think about it?”
Here are some of the best answers:
1. Delicious water
2. The sound of sound
From reddit user cheddarsalad: “Audio recording.
“David Bowie’s voice is perfectly reproduced by running a pointy bit of metal through a squiggly line carved into a plastic disc. Then it’s perfectly reproduced by static electricity on a strip of plastic. Then it’s perfectly reproduced on an extremely small sequence of notches on a strip of plastic formed into a disc. It’s insane.”
3. Most words
4. Us
From reddit user favsports: “Sometimes I think how weird it is that I am myself. I mean, the brain works very well on its own, but how do I have a perception? Why be me and not anyone else? How the f*** am I a bunch of signals?”
5. YouTube is a lie
6. Sail away
From reddit user lovelyweeaboochan: “The word yacht.”
7. Electric dreams
8. Pretty much your entire life in 2018
From reddit user GopNane: “How computers work … Like how the f*** do all these functions and operating systems all boil down to codes of 0s and 1s?”
9. Every move you make
10. The miracle of childbirth
From reddit user _Nick_2711_: “Women can just, like, grow a human. What the f*** is that about?”
11. Everything