Express & Star

These are the cute things your partner does that eventually become very annoying

Sometimes, all you want is some peace and quiet…

Hair in the sink

At the start of a relationship, everything’s rosy – you have hearts for eyes and your partner’s quirky idiosyncrasies seem utterly adorable.

Fast forward a few years, and these seem behaviours can start to seem utterly intolerable.

Those are the little things Reddit user frieschomper_ was looking for when they asked: “Married people of Reddit, what’s something your SO does that you used to find cute when you were dating but now irritates/infuriates/annoys you?”

1. Indecisiveness is cute or actually maybe it isn’t

Bruce Campbell Starz GIF by Ash vs Evil Dead - Find & Share on GIPHY

2. Guy walks into a bar…

3. Long hair, don’t care

Hair GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

4. If music be the food of love play on

5. Laughter isn’t always the best medicine

Laugh Stop It GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

6. Slow food

7. He’s football crazy, he’s football mad

Goal Kicking GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

8. Knows it all

9. Silence is golden

Be Quiet Tv Show GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race S5 - Find & Share on GIPHY