12 everyday things that might as well be classified as extreme sports
When the adrenaline really starts pumping.

Not everyone has the time to invest in an extreme sport, but plenty engage in pulse-raising pursuits on a day-to-day basis if the internet is to be believed.
When Reddit user James1011james1011 asked: “Other than doing the homework while the teacher is collecting it, what’s an ‘extreme sport’?” loads of people responded with the adrenaline-filled situations they regularly find themselves in.
Strap in – here are 12 of the very best.
1. Panic presentations
2. The group chat
3. Surprise shower
4. Train calm
5. Dorito fingers
6. Toilet trust
7. All in one
8. Take note
9. Ready, or not
10. Presents on the go
11. Alarm-less
12. Don’t wake the baby
Some people live for the thrill.