Express & Star

12 bizarre corners of Reddit that prove it’s the oddest place on the internet

From trees sucking on things to monks looking at beer.

A tree sucking on a thing

Those who use the website Reddit know it is a gateway online to pretty much any kind of content, from sports and news to science and videos of cute puppies.

If you’re unbaptised in Reddit usage however, there are some channels on it, known as subreddits, which might make you think the place is totally bonkers.

It’s those bizarre corners of the web on discussion today – here are 12 of the very weirdest subreddits.

1. r/TreesSuckingOnThings

A subreddit dedicated to trees that have melded with nearby inanimate objects, this little beauty does what it says on the tin.

Spot a tree sucking on something and think it’s a work of art? Well there’s a place, with over 41,000 subscribers, where others will understand.

2. r/birdswitharms

This avian enclosure for Photoshop wizards adds limbs to our feathered friends. Because why not?

The channel’s rules state: “Make sure it’s a bird with arms, and not a person with a bird head! If it has a humanoid body, it needs to have some other visible birdlike features to be allowed.”

They point this out, of course, so people don’t get confused with their sister channel…

3. r/peoplewithbirdheads

With around 170,000 fewer subscribers, it’s less popular than sibling r/birdswitharms, but there’s just as much anthropomorphic bird action.

4. r/fifthworldproblems

So, imagine there was a next level of consciousness and being – one beyond our three-dimensional universe.

Well, it turns out beings living such an existence have problems just like the rest of us, and it’s these this subreddit is dedicated to.

Also consider checking out r/fourthworldproblems, r/sixthworldproblems and r/seventhworldproblems.

5. r/unstirredpaint

Visually, this one is actually very pleasing.

It delves into the undisturbed world beneath the lid of a vat of paint before the painters have given it a stir.

6. r/chairsunderwater

A subreddit dedicated to chairs that are underwater, and with over 41,000 subscribers it’s got a following too.

Its rules state: “Chair(s) must be at least partially submerged in water. (No holding water over a chair and calling it ‘under water’)

“If the chair is not fully submerged, flag post as NSFW (Not Submerged Fully in Water)”

7. r/boottoobig

This subreddit gained its name from this meme.

The memes posted to the channel have to follow the same format, roughly following the lines of the “roses are red, violets are blue” rhyme.

8. r/myevilplan

Put simply, this is a place where people share wicked but innocuous things they are plotting.

The most popular post on the subreddit “My plan to take a cookie” exemplifies this perfectly.

9. r/StannisTheMantis

“A subreddit dedicated to gathering evidence that Stannis Baratheon, the one true king of Westeros, is in fact a gigantic praying mantis in disguise.”

Yep it’s a Game Of Thrones subreddit, but even fans may struggle to understand this one.

10. r/BreadStapledToTrees

With a whopping 113,000 subscribers, it might come as a surprise to you how many people enjoy seeing pictures of pieces of bread stapled to trees – but they do.

11. r/SubredditSimulator

Humans don’t post on this channel, instead bots comment on them while people upvote or downvote what they come up with – thus teaching the AI to create more successful posts – such as this reaction GIF.

Or this intriguing thought.

12. r/monkslookingatbeer

Finally, who wouldn’t like to spend their online time looking at men of the cloth perusing a fine ale?

Like this classic from German 19th-century painter Eduard von Grutzner, for example.

This subreddit has over 32,000 subscribers.

Truly, human ingenuity and advancement has peaked.