Express & Star

Watch: Norwegian TV host throws up on guest live on air

She had a very good excuse though.

Close-up image of a pregnant woman

Of all the things a TV host could accidentally do to a guest, throwing up on them is probably up there with the worst.

Linn Wiik, host of TV2’s God Sommer Norge, did exactly that – but she had a very good excuse.

Viewers saw the host reaching for a glass of water while guest Vegard Harm talked about his exercise regime, before getting to her feet and throwing most of it up in his direction.

“I began to get a bit nauseous and thought it would help to drink some water,” she later told TV2. “But it had the opposite effect.”

By way of explanation, Wiik revealed on air that she was pregnant.

“It was not this way I planned to tell people about the pregnancy,” she said.

After looking initially shocked, Harm seemed to get back into his stride reasonably swiftly to continue with his interview.

By way of reassurance, Wiik said it was “mostly water”.

Quite how soothing that will be is anyone’s guess.