Express & Star

11 of the best ‘anti-jokes’ that definitely won’t make you laugh

You’ve heard of regular jokes, but what about making up some ‘anti-jokes’?

Last updated
Man laughing

“Anti-jokes” are reverse gags that will either have you laughing or rolling your eyes.

Reddit user MayTheCurveBeWithYou asked users for their best anti-jokes, meaning jokes that are so unfunny, they might actually make you laugh.

Here are 11 of the best that might not have you in stitches, but that you’ll definitely be telling other people.

1. This short “knock knock” joke.

2. A sad ending to a dinosaur joke.

Jurassic Park No GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

3. This awful but logical gag.

4. Get it?

Suspicious Love And Hip Hop GIF by VH1 - Find & Share on GIPHY

5. This wholesome joke.

6. This might not have been what you expected.

Tom And Jerry Smile GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

7. This strange trick.

8. This one is questionable.

Confused Basketball Wives GIF by VH1 - Find & Share on GIPHY

9. To the Batmobile!

10. Fans of Brooklyn 99 will appreciate this anti-joke.

Fox Brooklyn 99 GIF by Brooklyn Nine-Nine - Find & Share on GIPHY

11. Lastly, this complete riddle.