How a toilet roll on a Tinder profile reignited the internet’s fiercest debate
Are you an over or an under type of person?

When selecting pictures to use on your dating profile, you naturally want to show yourself in the best light so it’s not unusual to make sure you keep any little imperfections out of sight.
But while it’s perfectly normal to hide, say, a physical feature you’re not too happy with or make sure your messy bedroom isn’t on display to potential suitors, most people probably wouldn’t give much thought to the way they put out their toilet paper.
As one Tinder user has discovered, it might be a bigger issue than you imagined.
Writer Hana Michels shared one of her Tinder profile pictures with her Twitter followers – the image is of Hana brushing her teeth in the bathroom, but it’s the toilet roll visible in the background that has attracted a lot of attention.
Hana said 23 men had contacted her to tell her she is “incorrect about toilet paper”.
Needless to say, the tweet provoked a strong reaction, inevitably reopening the debate about the right way to hang your loo roll.
Some made the point that your life circumstances can force you into the underhang technique.
Some attempted to apply a scientific method.
It even broke out of Twitter and on to other corners of the internet.
Clearly it’s an issue that means a lot to people.
The debate rages on, but the moral of the story is probably: if you want to impress a potential date, don’t start by telling them they do toilet paper wrong.