This man went viral for looking like a Pixar character… Can you guess which?
This kitchen porter is a dead ringer for one of the main characters from the film Ratatouille.

Kitchen porter Joshua Carpenter-Jones is going viral for his incredible likeness to a cartoon character.
His photo had people drawing comparisons to Alfredo Linguini, a hapless young chef that befriends a talented rat in the Pixar film Ratatouille.
Posting a uniformed selfie on Reddit, he said: “I work in a kitchen. You have no idea how many people say ‘You look like the guy from ratatouille'”.
Here’s Alfredo Linguini for comparison…
Joshua said: “The comparison doesn’t annoy me at all, it’s pretty cool that people think of me like that though I think it’s funny.
“I can definitely see the likeness in the photo, but not in my everyday life, but when I’m at work people always call me Linguini and I don’t understand it. I don’t feel like I’m like Alfredo at all.”
The photo attracted a lot of attention from Reddit users, with the post reaching over 175,000 upvotes.
Many were astonished by the doppelganger, and others suggested that Joshua should bring a little rat to work with him as a homage to the film.
Joshua said: “I’m very happy about all of the positive responses I got, it made my year when so many people commented and dedicated just a few minutes of their lives commenting on my photo.
“All of those thousands of comments and up votes really made me feel great.”