Express & Star

This bride’s ex-boyfriend requested a hilariously apt song at her wedding

Clue for you music nerds: It’s by a country band called Heartland.


When Hayley Stamper and Austin Reed get married on July 20, there’s one song on the wedding playlist all the guests will be waiting for.

The couple have been receiving guests’ song requests along with their RSVPs, and one in particular has stood out – the request from Hayley’s ex-boyfriend, Thomas.

That superb song request has gone viral and the couple from Lincoln, Nebraska, both took the joke well.

“My fiance Austin has always been good friends with Thomas so we both just laughed and laughed after we opened the RSVP,” Hayley, 21, told the Press Association.

“It’s not very common to invite your ex to the wedding,” said Hayley.

“But once people hear our story and they understand that we were only 15-16 years old, and they start to hear that Austin and Thomas have always been friends, they move on and they can laugh with us about the tweet.”

Hayley had initially faced backlash from some on Twitter about inviting her ex.

“I think next time I have a controversy tweet I might just keep it to myself!” said Hayley.

“My favourite reactions are definitely the people who support our decision or the people who can just laugh about it and know that this was only meant to be a joke.”

Hayley and her fiance Austin, who is also 21, started dating when they were 16 and have been together since.

Austin is studying at Wesleyan University with a view to going into medicine, while Hayley owns a clothing store.