Express & Star

An artist saw this photo on Facebook and painted it for the couple as a gift

An awesome act of kindness.

A photo from Tiree Dawson photography of a married couple

If you saw a couple’s beautiful wedding photo on Facebook, you might leave a like or a comment, but one man decided to go one step further.

Robert Sutcliffe is a primary school teacher, but after he had a heart attack last year he discovered an incredible talent for painting.

And you’ll be pleased to learn he’s decided to use his powers for good, painting pictures to raise money for charity as well as giving them away as gifts, such as this one.

“I don’t know them (the couple) apart from the fact the groom posted his original photo saying how much he loved his new wife and the Lakes,” Bob told the Press Association of his painting, which he did after seeing the photo on Facebook.

“I genuinely believe in just doing something to make people smile.”

Matthew Brown is the groom in the photograph, which was originally taken by Tiree Dawson Photography.

He said he had woken up to dozens of messages on Facebook directing him to the painting before he realised what had happened.

Matthew Brown is the groom in the photograph
Matthew Brown is the groom in the photograph (Tiree Dawson Photography/

“At first I thought Robert Sutcliffe had shared my picture,” he told the Press Association. “It suddenly dawned on me that he had painted it.

“He is sending us the picture to hang on our wall. I still can’t believe he’s gone to so much effort. I love that he paints for charity which makes our present even more special.”

While this painting of Bob’s was a gift, any money made from other pictures goes to charities such as Epilepsy Action, British Heart Foundation and Children with Cancer UK.

“I like to surprise people who I think deserve something,” said Bob. “Newlyweds, people who have suffered loss or illness.

“When I scroll through Facebook pages I’m linked to, I may read a story and just paint! Just because.”

To see more of Bob’s charitable work, click here.