9 hilarious examples of students blagging teachers’ questions
‘I mean, he wasn’t wrong…’

Blagging it, either in a test or under the pressure of a teacher’s question in class, is an experience we can all relate to.
Sometimes such moments can bring out answers that are resourceful, hilarious and surprising even to yourself – and it’s answers like these that are sparking conversation on Reddit.
A user asked teachers to share the “most clever” attempts students have made to give a “technically correct answer” to a question – and here are nine of the best responses.
2. From user nifflersniffler
“I was a teacher assistant and one of the jobs I had was to correct homework.
“One student had misunderstood the assignment. It was one of those ‘you have 10 dollars, what do you buy?’ and you pick and choose from items on the sheet.
“But this girl made her own stuff. So she drew a cartoon of milk and a cheese with what they cost and the total was 10. It was beautiful made, so creative and must have taken 7 times longer to complete than if she had done it right.”
“So I wanted to give her everything right and a ****ing star because this girl was a ****ing champ. But nooo, the teacher made me give her wrong and she then showed the whole class what wrongs she made AND made her redo it.
“A small part of both mine and that girls soul died that day.”
4. From user Sidewalk_Cacti
“I asked students in an English class to write sentences to practice their understanding of different parts of speech.
“I think my instructions said to use words from our vocabulary list and at least one action verb per sentence or something like that.
“One kid wrote variations of ‘The verb jumped over the adjective at recess.'”
6. From user siempreslytherin
“I had a teacher who would always have dumb extra credit questions. One was a true/false, where if it’s false you cross out the word that makes it false and write in the correct word.
“This one was Mr. Teacher’s favourite colour is purple. Now, I figured false which was correct, but I didn’t know what the colour was and knew he was looking for us to change the colour.
“I changed the name to someone whose favourite colour was purple. He didn’t give me the points. I’m still bitter.”
8. From user Maddkipz
“Back in middle school we were doing reading comprehension or whatever and determining if the given sentences were complete or not, and I pointed out that ‘The minute Scott heard his name called.’ was in fact a sentence about a very tiny guy named Scott hearing his name called, and had nothing to do with time.”