This is what heartbreak looks like in the form of a graph
The effect watching your SO leave forever has on your heart.

Watching the person you love leave indefinitely is a heartache you might not have experienced, but this might help you understand.
A Reddit user with a heart monitor on their smartwatch has just been through such a life moment, and recorded the effect it had on their heart.
User yesitsindefinite, an apt user name that one assumes was created recently, shared a graph of the results.
The graph shows their heart rate over the period of three hours their significant other was leaving in beats per minute, including the taxi to the airport and then the bus ride back home after she had gone.
Notable spikes are annotated, peaking at 149bpm the moment they watched her go past security – the last time they saw her -and then again as they read an email from her on their bus ride home.
“She’s going back home to the United States, indefinitely,” yesitsindefinite anonymously told the Press Association. “We’re probably never seeing each other again. We met in November 2017 and she left on June 6.”
Their post has more than 36,000 upvotes on the site and saw many share their own experiences.
A story of heartbreak, explained through a graph.