People are sharing their odd habits and want to know ‘Do you do this too?’
‘Tell me I’m not the only one who does this.’

Everyone has their own little habits and quirks, but some of them are stranger than others.
Reddit user samalethu asked people on the website for their strangest habits that make them say: “Tell me I’m not the only one who does this.”
Here are 12 of the best, some of which you might have done too.
1. Talking to yourself is normal … talking aloud might be strange.
2. This person can’t sit still on phone calls.
3. Saving the best until last is a brilliant habit.
4. This person never takes the first item on offer.
5. This Reddit user sits very strangely.
6. The people around you might not appreciate this habit.
7. This strange posture…
8. This is actually pretty normal.
9. This person likes to boost their dog’s self-esteem.
10. Putting on a show for yourself.
11. Just in case…
12. Lastly, this abomination.