Express & Star

Twitter users created a coffee shop jingle together and it’s surprisingly catchy

You’ll have ‘Pret sells pretzels’ in your head all day, guaranteed.

Composer Nick Harvey and a Pret shop sign

Sometimes Twitter is responsible for some of the most hilarious and creative work, and this exchange is no different.

A tweet from user Rob Manuel expressing his delight at Pret pretzels inadvertently sparked a chain of creatives making up an amazing jingle for the sandwich shop.

The song, which takes his words, “Pret sells pretzels” is guaranteed to stick in your head all day.

Content warning ahead for anybody offended by swear words, Manuel’s excited tweet contains one.

Manuel said: “Just noticed that Pret sells pretzels. This makes me happy. Pret sells pretzels. It’s a whole fucking jingle right there.”

Composer Nick Harvey decided that Manuel’s tweet was just too inspiring to ignore, so he took to his keyboard and put his words to music.

Then an extended version was created… and you’ll never be able to get this out of your head.

Musician Sam Ewens got involved with some brass, and the tune began to fully take shape.

As a final flourish, a little percussion was added onto the jingle.

Pret weighed in on the debate, giving the jingle a digital “standing ovation”, however the sandwich shop admitted that their efforts were a little redundant… as it doesn’t sell pretzels anymore.

Pret decided that their efforts were definitely worth some free food though.

All’s well that ends well.

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